Important Safety Information for LP Gas Customers
Dear Valued LP Gas Customer:
While LP gas (propane) is a very safe and reliable heat source, like all gas, if it leaks, it can cause injury, death, and property damage. As your LP gas provider, we take your safety seriously. Therefore, we use this information to remind you of safety procedures you must follow to ensure that you and your family are safe when using LP gas.
We mail out a Duty to Warn along with a brochure entitled "Important Propane Safety Information" that includes a scratch 'n' sniff component once a year, it is important for you and your family to read this information. Keep it nearby and periodically reread it. Failure to follow the safety precautions in this communication could result in a gas explosion and fire or death by asphyxiation from carbon monoxide produced from appliances which are not operating or vented properly. We can provide extra copies of the brochure at your request.
Below are several precautions that are in the brochure that we want to highlight: